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[Author] Yan WANG(30hit)


  • Geographic Routing Algorithm with Location Errors

    Yuanwei JING  Yan WANG  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E95-D No:12

    Geographic routing uses the geographical location information provided by nodes to make routing decisions. However, the nodes can not obtain accurate location information due to the effect of measurement error. A new routing strategy using maximum expected distance and angle (MEDA) algorithm is proposed to improve the performance and promote the successive transmission rate. We firstly introduce the expected distance and angle, and then we employ the principal component analysis to construct the object function for selecting the next hop node. We compare the proposed algorithm with maximum expectation within transmission range (MER) and greedy routing scheme (GRS) algorithms. Simulation results show that the proposed MEDA algorithm outperforms the MER and GRS algorithms with higher successive transmission rate.

  • Linear Complexity of n-Periodic Cyclotomic Sequences over 𝔽p Open Access

    Qiuyan WANG  Yang YAN  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E103-A No:5

    Periodic sequences, used as keys in cryptosystems, plays an important role in cryptography. Such periodic sequences should possess high linear complexity to resist B-M algorithm. Sequences constructed by cyclotomic cosets have been widely studied in the past few years. In this paper, the linear complexity of n-periodic cyclotomic sequences of order 2 and 4 over 𝔽p has been calculated, where n and p are two distinct odd primes. The conclusions reveal that the presented sequences have high linear complexity in many cases, which indicates that the sequences can resist the linear attack.

  • Exploiting Packet-Level Parallelism of Packet Parsing for FPGA-Based Switches

    Junnan LI  Biao HAN  Zhigang SUN  Tao LI  Xiaoyan WANG  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E102-B No:9

    FPGA-based switches are appealing nowadays due to the balance between hardware performance and software flexibility. Packet parser, as the foundational component of FPGA-based switches, is to identify and extract specific fields used in forwarding decisions, e.g., destination IP address. However, traditional parsers are too rigid to accommodate new protocols. In addition, FPGAs usually have a much lower clock frequency and fewer hardware resources, compared to ASICs. In this paper, we present PLANET, a programmable packet-level parallel parsing architecture for FPGA-based switches, to overcome these two limitations. First, PLANET has flexible programmability of updating parsing algorithms at run-time. Second, PLANET highly exploits parallelism inside packet parsing to compensate FPGA's low clock frequency and reduces resource consumption with one-block recycling design. We implemented PLANET on an FPGA-based switch prototype with well-integrated datacenter protocols. Evaluation results show that our design can parse packets at up to 100 Gbps, as well as maintain a relative low parsing latency and fewer hardware resources than existing proposals.

  • On the Linear Complexity of New Modified Jacobi Sequences

    Qiuyan WANG  Yupeng JIANG  Dongdai LIN  Xuan GUANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E97-A No:11

    Jacobi sequences have good cryptography properties. Li et al. [X. Li et al., Linear Complexity of a New Generalized Cyclotomic Sequence of Order Two of Length pq*, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E96-A, no.5, pp.1001-1005, 2013] defined a new modified Jacobi sequence of order two and got its linear complexity. In this corresponding, we determine the linear complexity and minimal polynomials of the new modified Jacobi sequence of order d. Our results show that the sequence is good from the viewpoint of linear complexity.

  • Heuristic Sizing Methodology for Designing High-Performance CMOS Level Converters with Balanced Rise and Fall Delays

    Jinn-Shyan WANG  Yu-Juey CHANG  Chingwei YEH  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E93-C No:10

    CMOS SoCs can reduce power consumption by adopting voltage scaling (VS) technologies, where the level converter (LC) is required between voltage domains to avoid dc current. However, the LC often induces high delay penalty and usually results in non-balanced rise and fall delays. Therefore, the performance of the LC strongly affects the effectiveness of VS technologies. In this paper, heuristic sizing methodology for designing a state-of-the-art LC is developed and proposed. Using the proposed methodology, we can design the LC to achieve high performance with balanced rise and fall delay times in a deterministic way.

  • Robust MIMO Radar Waveform Design to Improve the Worst-Case Detection Performance of STAP

    Hongyan WANG  Quan CHENG  Bingnan PEI  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E101-B No:5

    The issue of robust multi-input multi-output (MIMO) radar waveform design is investigated in the presence of imperfect clutter prior knowledge to improve the worst-case detection performance of space-time adaptive processing (STAP). Robust design is needed because waveform design is often sensitive to uncertainties in the initial parameter estimates. Following the min-max approach, a robust waveform covariance matrix (WCM) design is formulated in this work with the criterion of maximization of the worst-case output signal-interference-noise-ratio (SINR) under the constraint of the initial parameter estimation errors to ease this sensitivity systematically and thus improve the robustness of the detection performance to the uncertainties in the initial parameter estimates. To tackle the resultant complicated and nonlinear robust waveform optimization issue, a new diagonal loading (DL) based iterative approach is developed, in which the inner and outer optimization problems can be relaxed to convex problems by using DL method, and hence both of them can be solved very effectively. As compared to the non-robust method and uncorrelated waveforms, numerical simulations show that the proposed method can improve the robustness of the detection performance of STAP.

  • Permutation Polynomials over Zpn and Their Randomness

    Yuyin YU  Lishan KE  Zhiqiang LIN  Qiuyan WANG  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E100-A No:3

    Permutation polynomials over Zpn are useful in the design of cryptographic algorithms. In this paper, we obtain an equivalent condition for polynomial functions over Zpn to be permutations, and this equivalent condition can help us to analysis the randomness of such functions. Our results provide a method to distinguish permutation polynomials from random functions. We also introduce how to improve the randomness of permutation polynomials over Zpn.

  • Design of 65 nm Sub-Threshold SRAM Using the Bitline Leakage Prediction Scheme and the Non-trimmed Sense Amplifier

    Jinn-Shyan WANG  Pei-Yao CHANG  Chi-Chang LIN  

    BRIEF PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E95-C No:1

    In this paper we present a 0.25–1.0 V, 0.1–200 MHz, 25632, 65 nm SRAM macro. The main design techniques include a bitline leakage prediction scheme and a non-trimmed non-strobed sense amplifier to deal with process and runtime variations and data dependence.

  • A COM Based High Speed Serial Link Optimization Using Machine Learning Open Access

    Yan WANG  Qingsheng HU  


    E105-C No:11

    This paper presents a channel operating margin (COM) based high-speed serial link optimization using machine learning (ML). COM that is proposed for evaluating serial link is calculated at first and during the calculation several important equalization parameters corresponding to the best configuration are extracted which can be used for the ML modeling of serial link. Then a deep neural network containing hidden layers are investigated to model a whole serial link equalization including transmitter feed forward equalizer (FFE), receiver continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE) and decision feedback equalizer (DFE). By training, validating and testing a lot of samples that meet the COM specification of 400GAUI-8 C2C, an effective ML model is generated and the maximum relative error is only 0.1 compared with computation results. At last 3 link configurations are discussed from the view of tradeoff between the link performance and cost, illustrating that our COM based ML modeling method can be applied to advanced serial link design for NRZ, PAM4 or even other higher level pulse amplitude modulation signal.

  • Sensitivity Enhanced Edge-Cloud Collaborative Trust Evaluation in Social Internet of Things

    Peng YANG  Yu YANG  Puning ZHANG  Dapeng WU  Ruyan WANG  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E105-B No:9

    The integration of social networking concepts into the Internet of Things has led to the Social Internet of Things (SIoT) paradigm, and trust evaluation is essential to secure interaction in SIoT. In SIoT, when resource-constrained nodes respond to unexpected malicious services and malicious recommendations, the trust assessment is prone to be inaccurate, and the existing architecture has the risk of privacy leakage. An edge-cloud collaborative trust evaluation architecture in SIoT is proposed in this paper. Utilize the resource advantages of the cloud and the edge to complete the trust assessment task collaboratively. An evaluation algorithm of relationship closeness between nodes is designed to evaluate neighbor nodes' reliability in SIoT. A trust computing algorithm with enhanced sensitivity is proposed, considering the fluctuation of trust value and the conflict between trust indicators to enhance the sensitivity of identifying malicious behaviors. Simulation results show that compared with traditional methods, the proposed trust evaluation method can effectively improve the success rate of interaction and reduce the false detection rate when dealing with malicious services and malicious recommendations.

  • Multiple Random Beams Selection Exploiting Chordal Distances

    Lan TANG  Pengcheng ZHU  Xiaohu YOU  Yan WANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:11

    We consider a time-division multiple access (TDMA) transmission scheme in MIMO broadcast channels. To cope with the fairness issue in heterogeneous networks with slow fading, an opportunistic scheduling algorithm based on the channel eigen-direction is investigated. In the system with sparse users, the mismatch between a random beamforming vector and the principle eigenvector of the channel incurs a throughput penalty. To reduce such a throughput loss, a multiple random beams selection (MRBS) scheme exploiting chordal distances is proposed. Two feedback schemes (unquantized or quantized chordal distances) are considered. The closed-form throughput expressions of the proposed schemes are derived.

  • Modeling of the Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Generator and the Standard Injection Clamp

    Xiaoshe ZHAI  Yingsan GENG  Jianhua WANG  Guogang ZHANG  Yan WANG  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E94-C No:6

    This paper presents an accurate and systematic method to simulate the interference imposed on the input/output (I/O) ports of electronic equipment under the electrical fast transients/burst (EFT/B) test. The equivalent circuit of the EFT/B generator and the coupling clamp are modeled respectively. Firstly, a transfer function (TF) of the EFT pulse-forming network is constructed with the latent parameters based on circuit theory. In the TF, two negative real parameters characterize the non-oscillation process of the network while one complex conjugate pair characterizes the damping-oscillation process. The TF of the pulse-forming network is therefore synthesized in the equivalent circuit of the EFT/B generator. Secondly, the standard coupling clamp is modeled based on the scatter (S) parameter obtained by using a vector network analyzer. By applying the vector fitting method during the rational function approximation, a macromodel of the coupling clamp can be obtained and converted to a Spice compatible equivalent circuit. Based on the aforementioned procedures, the interference imposed on the I/O ports can be simulated. The modeling methods are validated experimentally, where the interference in differential mode and common mode is evaluated respectively.

  • On the Linear Complexity of Legendre Sequences Over Fq

    Qiuyan WANG  Dongdai LIN  Xuan GUANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E97-A No:7

    In this paper, the linear complexity and minimal polynomials of Legendre sequences over Fq have been calculated, where q = pm and p is a prime number. Our results show that Legendre sequences have high linear complexity over Fq for a large part of prime power number q so that they can resist the linear attack method.

  • Design of High-Performance CMOS Level Converters Considering PVT Variations

    Jinn-Shyan WANG  Yu-Juey CHANG  Chingwei YEH  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E94-C No:5

    CMOS SoCs can reduce power consumption while maintaining performance by adopting voltage scaling (VS) technologies. The operating speed of the level converter (LC) strongly affects the effectiveness of VS technologies. However, PVT variations can cause serious problems to the LC, because the state-of-the-art LC designs do not give enough attention to this issue. In this work, we proposed to analyze the impact of PVT variations on the performance of the LC using a previously developed heuristic sizing methodology. Based on the evaluation results from different operating corners with different offset voltages and temperatures, we proposed a variation-tolerant LC that achieves both high performance and low energy with a high tolerability for PVT variations.

  • Impact of Feedback Error on Transmit Beamforming with Finite Rate Feedback

    Pengcheng ZHU  Lan TANG  Yan WANG  Xiaohu YOU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:9

    In this letter, we study the impact of feedback error on transmit beamforming systems with finite rate feedback. The feedback channel is modeled as a uniform symmetric channel. The outage probability, bit error rate (BER), diversity gain, and array gain formulas are given. Both analytical and simulation results show that feedback error with small probability will make the system behave badly at high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR).

  • Resolution and Parameter Estimation of Non-ideally Sampled Pulse Signals

    Bo WU  Yan WANG  Xiuying CAO  Pengcheng ZHU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:3

    Attenuated and delayed versions of the pulse signal overlap in multipath propagation. Previous algorithms can resolve them only if signal sampling is ideal, but fail to resolve two counterparts with non-ideal sampling. In this paper, we propose a novel method which can resolve the general types of non-ideally sampled pulse signals in the time domain via Taylor Series Expansion (TSE) and estimate multipath signals' precise time delays and amplitudes. In combination with the CLEAN algorithm, the overlapped pulse signal parameters are estimated one by one through an iteration method. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • The Design Challenges of IoT: From System Technologies to Ultra-Low Power Circuits Open Access

    Xiaoyan WANG  Benjamin BÜSZE  Marianne VANDECASTEELE  Yao-Hong LIU  Christian BACHMANN  Kathleen PHILIPS  


    E100-C No:6

    In order to realize an Internet-of-Things (IoT) with tiny sensors integrated in our buildings, our clothing, and the public spaces, battery lifetime and battery size remain major challenges. Power reduction in IoT sensor nodes is determined by both sleep mode as well as active mode contributions. A power state machine, at the system level, is the key to achieve ultra-low average power consumption by alternating the system between active and sleep modes efficiently. While, power consumption in the active mode remains dominant, other power contributions like for timekeeping in standby and sleep conditions are becoming important as well. For example, non-conventional critical blocks, such as crystal oscillator (XO) and resistor-capacitor oscillator (RCO) become more crucial during the design phase. Apart from power reduction, low-voltage operation will further extend the battery life. A 2.4GHz multi-standard radio is presented, as a test case, with an average power consumption in the µW range, and state-of-the-art performance across a voltage supply range from 1.2V to 0.9V.

  • Transition Mappings between De Bruijn Sequences

    Ming LI  Yupeng JIANG  Dongdai LIN  Qiuyan WANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E100-A No:5

    We regard a De Bruijn sequence of order n as a bijection on $mathbb{F}_2^n$ and consider the transition mappings between them. It is shown that there are only two conjugate transformations that always transfer De Bruijn sequences to De Bruijn sequences.

  • Optimal Admission Control for Multi-Class of Wireless Adaptive Multimedia Services

    Yang XIAO  Philip CHEN  Yan WANG  


    E84-B No:4

    Call admission control (CAC) is becoming vital for multimedia services in the ability of wireless/mobile networks to guarantee Quality of Service (QoS) partially due to the network's limited capacity. In this paper, we propose an optimal call admission control scheme with bandwidth reallocation algorithm (multi-class-CAC-BRA) for multi-classes of adaptive multimedia services in wireless/mobile networks. The multi-class-CAC-BRA approach optimizes revenue for service providers and satisfies QoS requirements for service users. The proposed approach adopts semi-Markov Decision Process to model both call admission control and bandwidth reallocation algorithm. In other words, whenever decisions are made, decisions are made for both call admission control and bandwidth reallocation. Since the non-adaptive multimedia traffic is a special case of the adaptive multimedia traffic, the non-adaptive optimal CAC scheme is a special case of our optimal multi-class-CAC-BRA scheme. Furthermore, the Interior-point Method in linear programming is used to solve the optimal decision problem. Simulation results reveal that the proposed multi-class-CAC-BRA scheme adapts itself well to adaptive multi-class multimedia traffic, achieves optimal revenue, and satisfies QoS requirements that are the upper bounds of handoff dropping probabilities. Our approach solves the optimal adaptive multimedia CAC problem. We believe that this work has both theoretical and practical significance.

  • Experimental Evaluations on Learning-Based Inter-Radar Wideband Interference Mitigation Method Open Access

    Ryoto KOIZUMI  Xiaoyan WANG  Masahiro UMEHIRA  Ran SUN  Shigeki TAKEDA  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E107-A No:8

    In recent years, high-resolution 77 GHz band automotive radar, which is indispensable for autonomous driving, has been extensively investigated. In the future, as vehicle-mounted CS (chirp sequence) radars become more and more popular, intensive inter-radar wideband interference will become a serious problem, which results in undesired miss detection of targets. To address this problem, learning-based wideband interference mitigation method has been proposed, and its feasibility has been validated by simulations. In this paper, firstly we evaluated the trade-off between interference mitigation performance and model training time of the learning-based interference mitigation method in a simulation environment. Secondly, we conducted extensive inter-radar interference experiments by using multiple 77 GHz MIMO (Multiple-Input and Multiple-output) CS radars and collected real-world interference data. Finally, we compared the performance of learning-based interference mitigation method with existing algorithm-based methods by real experimental data in terms of SINR (signal to interference plus noise ratio) and MAPE (mean absolute percentage error).
